Friday, January 18, 2008

Min's Mexican Hot Cocoa Mix

This makes a dry hot cocoa mix, and packaged in quart jars with raffia and/or ribbon it makes a pretty gift.

1 cup cocoa powder

3 cups powdered milk

1 cup sugar

dash salt (or two)

2 Tablespoons cinnamon**

2 Tablespoons Ghiardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate (no substitutes!)

Dried mini marshmallows (optional, but fun. To dry, if you live in the desert you can just leave them on a baking sheet in your kitchen for a day or two. Or, stick them in a dehydrator.)

Whisk all ingredients into powder until well-blended. Store in glass jars. To serve, add about 4 or 5 Tablespoons of mix to a mug of hot water.

**The cinnamon is what lends the "Mexican" flavor. You can leave it out for just plain old Hot Cocoa.

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