Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Min's Thanksgiving Menu, 2009

Orange Rosemary Roasted Turkey*

Classic Dressing

Mashed Potatoes


Green Bean Casserole

Rolls & Butter

Cranberry Sauce


Maple Pecan Pie

Fresh Pumpkin Pie

Pear Pie

Key Lime Pie

Pumpkin Flan*


As usual, * indicates a brand new recipes we haven't tried before. I do realize I have a "*" on the turkey...but doesn't it sound fabulous?

This Thanksgiving, we will be celebrating with some dear friends of ours, and honestly we feel like it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without them! We are so excited they will be joining us, and it's becoming a tradition that we all get together. I like it.

The other great thing about this year, Cath and I are basically sharing duties and dividing up the menu. It is such a relief, for both of us, to not have to "Do It All." Last year we had some help from Cath and other friends, but we still prepared most of the main dishes. I love cooking for people, but this year it's just nice to have some of the (self-imposed) pressure off, you know?

So here it is, our menu for Thanksgiving 2009. Some traditional dishes, some new, some already here, some will be posted after the holiday.

Let us know what you're having!


  1. Pretty much like yours, without all of the appetizer's & with Grandma O'Grady's cranberry relish, Pumpkin & Mince pies. Happy Thanksgiving! Wish we could join you!

  2. We keep adding appetizers because we keep finding new recipes to try! I think I'm drawing the line here though.

    You should post Grandma O'Grady's cranberry relish recipe one of these days!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & Dad & everyone!


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