Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shell's Thanksgiving 2008

So for the first time in forever, I did NOT travel to either my parents or the in-laws for Thanksgiving! I'm very excited!!! This was my first Thanksgiving dinner and I think I did a pretty good job.

There was a small group this year... just the 4 of us. 2 adults and 2 kids under 5. M 4-year old was in charge of the center piece. Nice, eh? See below for our menu and links to the individual page. Everything was great and we are all now in tryptophan heaven.

To start off..

Main Course & Sides..

Stuffing (Follow instructions on box... sorry.)
Warmed Rolls (picked up from Whole Foods... not bad)

And for dessert..

Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on staying home! Sometimes you just have to in order to maintain some sanity.

    Your menu sounds delicious and lovely. I can't wait to try your Sweet Potato Crisp recipe!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


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