Friday, March 19, 2010

Taste & Create: Meethi Paratha

Join the fun!! Taste & Create is a monthly food blog event, created by the lovely Nicole of For the Love of the Vegetable Kurma post for more details!

For this month, my partner was Padmajha of Seduce Your Tastebuds. To go with her Vegetable Kurma, I was planning to make Meethi Paratha. However, somehow I missed the "let it stand a few hours" part of the recipe, and by the time I realized this, it was too late and already mixed up. So we had our Paratha the next night.

And then after it was all mixed up, I realized I had forgotten to add SALT. I didn't feel like I should try to mix it more and risk the dough getting tough, so I just left it out. Although the boys liked the flat bread (especially with spinach in it), it really needed salt. I ate mine with butter + salt, and it was good.

top paratha with butter + salt!

I still need more practice with the whole flat bread making process, somehow it ends up too sticky and then too floury when I'm rolling it out...maybe more flour in the dough, less water? Anyway, live and learn! And practice makes perfect (I hope!)

Meethi Paratha

2 cups whole wheat flour (I used half whole wheat and half all-purpose flour)
1 cup meethi leaves (I substituted spinach)
1 teaspoon mustard (I used ground mustard)
1 teaspoon jeera (cumin)
1 teaspoon chile powder (I used 1/2 teaspoon)
1 teaspoon oil
Salt to taste

1. Heat oil in a frying pan and put in mustard and jeera.
2. When they splutter add the meethi leaves and stir for a few minutes.[Some people skip this step but PJ prefers to saute the leaves a little].
3. Let it cool.
4. In a bowl mix all the ingredients with the sautéed meethi leaves adding warm water to form dough.
5. Let it stand for a few hours.
6. Pinch off a lump of dough and roll it out evenly.
7. Heat a griddle and cook it till you see brown spots on either side.
8. Drizzle oil if necessary.
9. Serve hot with a dollop of butter,pickle,yoghurt

1 comment:

  1. Well that meethi paratha is pure indian base stuff. I like that much and its really one of the best food. I like it very much and its really tasteful because of meethi in it. Meethi has the good and vital source for vitamins.


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