Friday, March 19, 2010


Dave over at My Year on the Grill recently made Caribbean Court Bouillon Talapia. It looked so yummy that I had to try it. I had all the ingredients except the Talapia so I thought I'd try it with chicken. I have to report that the chicken kicks ASS so I can't wait to try it with the Talapia.

I had never heard the word Courtbouillon before either, so I was glad Dave had done research... Court-Bouillon is a cooking method that uses a flavored liquid for poaching or quick cooking foods.

Dave altered the original recipe to fit him and Jackie and then I altered it to fit hubby and I too.

5 tablespoons melted butter
5 tablespoons sifted flour
1 cup Celery, diced (I was out so used carrots instead)
1 cup Red Bell Pepper, diced
1 cupVidalia Onion, cut into thin rings
1 head minced Garlic
3 Roma tomatoes (1 pureed, 2 chopped)
3 tablespoons Jerk spices (2 mixed in Sauce, 1 sprinkled on top of fish)
4 ounces CRUZAN Black Strap Dark Rum - I didn't have the black strap rum, so I used Bacardi gold
2 tablespoons Curacao
8 ounces chicken stock
1 1/2 pounds chicken tenders
Green Onion to garnish
Parsley to garnish
Pineapple slice to garnish
3 cups Mahatma Rice
  • Make a Roux.
  • Add the Vegetables and 2 tablespoons of the Jerk spices.
  • Mix well and saute till the vegetables start to get tender.
  • And here is the fun part... Add the RUM & the CURACAO... It will sizzle!
  • Add the stock.
  • Bring to a gentle simmer and allow to simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Start the Rice... It takes 20 minutes to cook the rice.
  • Put the fish on top of the simmering liquid. Do not turn, it is being poached. Sprinkle some of the Jerk spices over the fish.
  • Cover the pan and allow the simmering magic to do what it does... it takes 20 minutes, but again, do not touch the fish.
  • For presentation, use a wide spatula to remove the chicken and keep warm.
  • Plate the rice, top with the reduced liquid and vegetables, top with the chicken.
  • Add the garnish.
  • And for a final Caribbean flare, add a slice of pineapple on the side.
8 ounces ricotta cheese**
8 ounces strawberry banana yogurt**
1 tablespoon Curacao
Broccoli spears
  • Whisk together the ricotta cheese and yogurt.
  • Add Curacao and warm through.
  • Pour over broccoli spears.
**We're at the stage of cleaning out the fridge and cupboards again so I improvised to use up these 2 ingredients and they were a yummy addition.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out.. you sure made this your own. Love the technique makes such a great meal


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