Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pumpkin Cookies

This recipe definitely came from my Mom - it says so on the card. It has always been a favorite with the whole family & is being enjoyed by the 4th generation of our family. Frequently requested by the male members of the family, especially. This is the triple batch recipe - a single was never enough!

Cream together:

1 1/2 c shortening

3 c sugar


3 eggs

3 c pumpkin - I use the whole large can

3 heaping tsp cinnamon

3 tsp nutmeg

3/4 tsp ginger

3 tsp vanilla

Mix well & add:

4 1/2 c flour

3 tsp baking soda

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

& mix well.

Drop by heaping teaspoons on lightly greased cookie sheets & bake for 10-12 minutes at 350*

Makes approximately 6-8 dozen cookies.

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