Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dreamwhip Frosting

This is an excellent recipe for cake decorating & frosting the Ginger Creams. The frosting will keep in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks, covered. The kids like it on graham crackers as well.


2 c Crisco
1/2 c flour
1 envelope dreamwhip whipped topping mix
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
2/3 c milk or water - I've made it both ways & works well with either.
2 lbs powdered sugar

Cream dream whip & flour into Crisco - add salt & vanilla. Add liquid & 1 lb powdered sugar - sifted. Beat until blended. Add remaining sifted sugar & beat. Frosting will be soft & fluffy. Use for frosting & decorating. Keeps well refrigerated.

** I usually add the liquid & both pounds of powdered sugar - unsifted - & beat until well blended. Have never had a problem doing it that way.

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