Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mixed Green Salad with Pears, Walnuts and Blue Cheese

This recipe comes from The Culinary Institute's Gourmet Meals in Minutes. I prepared this salad for guests for a fall luncheon today, to accompany my Irish Beef Stew, bread and butter, and Cowboy Cookies. I was sad that one of my friends, originally planning to be here, could not attend. Come down soon, Alice!

I used organic fresh pears from a tree in one of our fields on the ranch, romaine lettuce, and gorgonzola.

Mixed Green Salad with Pears, Walnuts and Blue Cheese

makes 8 servings preparation time: 20 minutes

Though easy to prepare, this is an elegant starter for every day or when entertaining guests. Port Wine Vinaigrette provides the perfect finishing touch for this marriage of sweet and piquant flavors.

1 1/2 pounds red leaf lettuce or baby romaine, washed and dried
1/2 cup Port Wine Vinaigrette
6 ripe Seckel pears, quartered and cored
1 cup walnuts, toasted
1 cup blue cheese, crumbled

Toss the lettuce with the vinaigrette. Divide the lettuce between 8 plates. Top with 3 pears and about 2 tablespoons each of the walnuts and blue cheese.

Note: Other pears may be used, depending upon seasonal availability.

I just put the lettuce in a huge serving bowl, tossed with vinaigrette and topped it with the walnuts, cheese and pears. It looked great in the bowl (forgot to take a picture though).

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