Sunday, August 17, 2008

Taste & Create XIII: Decadent Breakfast Tacos

Decadent Breakfast Tacos!

For this edition of Taste & Create, hosted by Nicole, I was paired with Scrumptious of In My Box, who has an interesting blog about what to do with bounty from a community-supported agriculture program (CSA) in California. If I only lived close enough to ANYWHERE with such a program! My teeny-tiny town, 35 miles from my home, doesn't even have a farmer's market. :-( The lone, miniscule grocery store would be flabbergasted if I asked them for fresh fennel, kale or even goat cheese (they don't even carry blue cheese!) Ugh! I was excited to find leeks there last's sad, I realize.

{Incidentally, Nicole has a new Taste & Create website you should go check out!}

After perusing In My Box, I told Number One that apparently Scrumptious doesn't eat gluten, meat or much dairy, and "Duck" appears to be a vegan. Remembering my last T&C pairing, he said, "What do all these people have against MEAT?" I don't know, but I found a recipe to try anyway. We got nothing against vegetables! (it's just difficult to find some of the more "exotic" ones around here. You know, like shallots, or beets, or spinach that doesn't come pre-washed in a bag)

I quickly decided on Decadent Breakfast Tacos, because we love tacos (and any excuse to eat salsa for breakfast!). You can find the original recipe here, but I will be improvising quite a bit so I hope you'll stick with me. We do eat real bacon here, (what is "tempeh bacon"??) and unfortunately we're short on gourmet artisan cheeses. (sadly, no Laura Chenel aged goat cheese for hundreds of miles). Also, there is a severe shortage of all-night eateries (read: none) in a town that takes an hour to get to anyway, so I'll be making my own version of delicious "desert fries." I am debating whether to just make the potatoes in the morning, or to have desert fries the night before, and make extra? Number One said, "but what if there aren't any leftovers?" He loves homemade fries. We'll see.

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Scrumptious has a FUN post about her creation from the Bad Girl's Kitchen, gluten-free, meatless Breakfast Casserole! (our original recipe is here)

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On the Day of the Decadent Taco, we hadn't been able to use our kitchen sink for two days, so I didn't cook any potatoes the night before. Instead, we went up to CG's to make this fabulous meal. I fried the bacon, then cooked some potatoes in the bacon grease and seasoned them with cajun seasoning. (I realize this isn't the only way to cook potatoes for this recipe, but it sounded delicious). It did take longer to cook the potatoes, naturally. I tossed in the bacon to rewarm it, then scrambled eggs for our family of four. I used the same pan for the eggs that I had for the bacon and potatoes, which made for an easier clean-up at CG's house.

Yummy Cajun Potatoes with Bacon

We spread our double layer of tortillas with cream cheese (an excellent substitution, pre-approved by Scrumptious!), and piled the components in: home-fried "desert" potatoes with bacon, scrambled eggs, avocado and fresh homemade salsa.

This Breakfast Taco is indeed Decadent, delicious and just plain tasty! Two tacos was too many for me. It was difficult to spread the cream cheese onto the warm tortillas, but worth every second. We used my Roasted Yellow Tomato-Serrano Salsa, which vastly improves everything it touches. For the boys, I salted a small bowl of unseasoned potatoes, and left off the salsa (only because Sawed Off said he didn't want any salsa this morning). They both did a pretty good job with their tacos.

Another picture, because they're so darn good.

Decadent Breakfast Tacos

corn tortillas
soft, spreadable cheese (goat or cream cheese)
potatoes (any kind, leftover or not)
cajun seasoning
salt, to taste


Fry bacon and remove to paper towel-lined plate. Break up when cool. Fry or reheat potatoes in the same pan. When potatoes are warm/golden, add bacon to pan to warm. Remove to bowl; scramble eggs in the same pan.

Spread cheese on one tortilla, top with another. Fill with potatoes, bacon, eggs, avocado and salsa. And enjoy!


  1. Ooh yum, Min! Your tacos look so delish! This time I want you to email one to me! (Bacon, man, who doesn't love bacon? Tempeh bacon (which is made from fermented soybeans) is a tasty treat, but it ain't bacon.)

    Your homemade potatoes look wonderful and your salsa looks INCREDIBLE. Is there a recipe for it on the site?

    It's funny - I'm having the same problem you had with the recipe I want to make. My fridge is full of radishes and plums, but none of the things (like bread and cheese) I need to make your recipe, and the store is far away and I have no car. I'll find a way though, just like you did!

  2. Thanks, Scrumptious! They were great. I'm happy there is enough leftover for one or two more...

    The salsa IS incredible. So far it's not on the site; I'm a bit possessive of the recipe. Someday, perhaps, we'll see. Everyone does want it...

    Good luck on your ingredient procurement!

    P.S. I am VERY jealous of your weekly assortment of vegetables.


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