Friday, February 15, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Kris !!! Congratulations! As the one and only entrant in the 1st Ever Bad Girl's Kitchen Contest, you win! I do love Buttermilk Pie, so we gained a good recipe (and another Bad Girl!) from the contest! Thank you so much for your entry, Kris. I can't wait to try this pie!

Here is Kris' recipe:

Well, I will not be cooking Valentine's dinner until Saturday, hubby is working nights. But his all time fave of my desserts is Buttermilk Pie. I could probably get him to do anything with this pie!

*I do not use the nutmeg*

Buttermilk Pie

1/2 c butter, at room temp.
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 tbsp. flour
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 pie crust, unbaked
nutmeg (optional)

Have all the ingredients at room temperature. Put oven rack in lower third of the oven. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

In mixer bowl, beat butter until creamy. Gradually beat in sugar; beat until light and fluffy.

In a separate bowl, slightly beat eggs. Mix in flour, buttermilk and vanilla. Add egg mixture to butter mixture and beat on high speed until well combined and mixture looks slightly curdled. Slowly pour mixture into crust.

Place on rack of preheated oven and bake about 55 minutes. Partly cool on wire rack and refrigerate for about an hour before cutting to serve. Keep in fridge.


  1. WOO HOO! I won, I never win anything! Thanks for hosting the contest. I have tried several recipes off this site and loved each one.

  2. We're so happy to have you here. There are lots of great recipes, let us know which ones you like! And congrats again!


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