Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Baked Salmon & Salsa

This is a super fast and tasty dinner. I got the recipe from a coworker, who got it from her mother, who got it from..... I have no idea.

What you'll need...

Some good, thick salmon fillets
Peach mango salsa (or peach pineapple salsa)

Preheat oven to 425. Spray a pan with cooking spray. Place the salmon (skin side down if it still has it) in the pan. Pour the salsa over the salmon. Cook for 15-20 minutes until done.


** I have always heard that you should NEVER overcook fish. So how do you know it's done? Well... I'm not sure. I don't cook fish that often. I had a little over 1-lb of fish and it cooked well in 15 minutes.


  1. I love it. Can't wait to get me some salmon!

  2. Cook fish until it is flaky (flakes apart easily) but not dry. That's how. ;-)

  3. Try some of Trader Joe' specialty salsa's


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