Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Committed to eating more fiber, I plan to make a batch of these muffins each week and then to freeze most of them. Each night that I don't have fresh muffins, I will remove two muffins from the freezer and place them in a plastic tub to thaw overnight. The next day, I will eat the thawed muffins as a treat, not necessarily for breakfast.

Note that doubling the recipe would be a cinch.

Classic  Bran  Muffins
Makes 12

1 cup buttermilk
1 12 
cups wheat bran
1 egg
cup vegetable oil
12 cup brown sugar
34 teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon baking soda
12 teaspoon salt
34 teaspoon vanilla extract
12 cup all-purpose flour
12 cup whole-wheat flour
1cup raisins, shredded coconut, or chopped walnuts or pecans

1.    In quart-sized measuring cup, measure buttermilk. Add bran and stir. Let mixture stand for 10 minutes.

2.    In medium-large bowl, beat egg.
3.  To beaten egg, add vegetable oil, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and vanilla. Beat by hand until well-blended.

4.  Add bran mixture and stir well.

5.  Gently stir in all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour, and raisins, coconut, or nuts.

6.  Distribute batter among 12 greased or paper-lined muffin tins.

7.  Bake in 375°F. oven for about 18 minutes. Let muffins rest for a few minutes before serving.

     NOTE: These freeze well. Recipe tested at 6000 feet.

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