Monday, June 23, 2014

Wendy's Oatmeal Cookies

I like my oatmeal cookies chewy and without raisins. These have no spices and no nuts. They are simple and delicious. Consider making a double batch so that you have plenty to share. By the way, I use insulated baking sheets, so, if you don't, you may have to reduce the baking time by a minute.

Wendy’s Oatmeal Cookies
Makes 3 dozen

1 cup butter
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup dark brown sugar 

1 egg 
1 teaspoon baking soda 
¼ teaspoon salt 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
1½ cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 
2¼ cups old-fashioned rolled oats

Cream butter in medium-large mixing bowl.
2    Gradually stir in granulated sugar and then brown sugar. Beat until light and fluffy.
3    Add egg and beat well.
4    Beat in baking soda, salt, and vanilla.
      Stir in flour just until it can’t be seen.
      Stir in oatmeal, one-half at a time.
      Drop rounded tablespoons of dough on an ungreased baking sheet, flattening dough slightly with palm of hand.
      Bake in 375°F. oven for 9 minutes. Leave cookies on baking sheet for 1 minute before removing to wire rack to cool. Store cookies tightly sealed.

NOTE: Try substituting 2 tablespoons or more whole-wheat flour for an equal amount of the all-purpose flour.

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