Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Roasted Marinara

This is easy and quick to make, requiring no seeding or fine chopping. Use sauce for lasagna or other pasta. May want to make a double batch, using two baking sheets.

Roasted  Marinara

12 to 15 Roma tomatoes, quartered
Half head of garlic
1 sweet yellow onion, cut into large chunks
1 tablespoon olive oil
Dried basil, to taste
Dried oregano, to taste
Sea salt, to taste
Freshly, coarsely ground pepper, to taste

1.    Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and then coat the foil with a light layer of olive oil.

2.    Place the quartered tomatoes and the chunks of onion on the foil.

3.    Place individual cloves of garlic on the baking sheet. Do NOT remove skin from garlic cloves.

4.    Drizzle olive oil over the vegetables on the baking sheet.

5.    Sprinkle basil, oregano, sea salt, and pepper over top.

6.    Place in 375°F. oven and roast for about 40 minutes or until vegetables are really soft and the tomatoes are still juicy.

7.    Peel the skin from the cloves of garlic and discard.

8.    Place roasted vegetables and juices into a bowl or pan.

9.    Using an immersion blender, blend the vegetables until smooth. Or puree with a traditional blender.

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