Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Taste & Create: Swedish Meatloaf

***Taste & Create is a fabulous monthly blog event in which participants are randomly paired off to choose and prepare a dish from their partner's blog. If you'd like to join us, please email me at cowgirlmin07 [at] gmail [dot] com by the 8th of the month!! *** 

My partner this month was Tamy of 3 Sides of Crazy.  We've known each other for a while, I used to be a regular contributor to her Our Krazy Kitchen, and she's actually a contributor to The Bad Girl's Kitchen as well!  She's also a loyal supporter of Taste & Create.  At any rate, there is always a new recipe to be found over on Tamy's blog, and this time, Swedish Meatloaf sounded perfect.  (visit the link for Tamy's come my changes!)

I did make a couple changes, for one I didn't have any bread, and my favorite regular meatloaf uses oatmeal, so that's where that came from. I also added some parsley to lean toward a more classic "Swedish" flavor, and didn't have any allspice, so I just used nutmeg. I also didn't add any brown sugar and lessened the salt.

For the sauce, I was kind of in a hurry so I added an extra tablespoon of flour. (even so, my sauce was a bit thin because I rushed it).  I would have preferred beef broth, but chicken worked in a pinch.  Although this sauce is good, next time I'm going to try for a more classic Swedish meatloaf-flavored sauce.  I like the classics!

Tamy also said she often doubles the recipe and freezes one loaf for later--I will definitely be doing that next time!

Baking this in a loaf instead of meatballs is inspired, and this meatloaf is excellent!  A new favorite, thanks Tamy!

Swedish Meatloaf & Sauce
Adapted from 3 Sides of Crazy


1 egg
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 cup oats
8 ounces ground pork
8 ounces ground beef
1 small onion, finely diced (1/2 cup)
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Whisk egg and cream together in small bowl. Stir in oatmeal and set aside to soak. Gently blend ground beef and pork, onion, nutmeg, pepper and salt.  Add oat mixture to beef mixture and gently blend until well mixed. Put in loaf pans.  Bake about 45 minutes.

 During the last 15-20 minutes, prepare the sauce.


1 tablespoon butter  
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups chicken broth (I would prefer beef broth here, but didn't have any)

1/2 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons juice from 1 lemon
Salt and freshly ground black pepper 

Melt butter, add flour and cook, stirring constantly with whisk, until flour is light brown. Slowly whisk in broth and bring to simmer. Reduce heat and cook until sauce is reduced to about 1 cup, about 5 minutes. Stir in cream and return to simmer.  Stir in lemon juice; season with salt and pepper to taste and serve over meatloaf.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the additions and substitutions! This is a great week night favorite for us.


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