Friday, June 1, 2012

Fresh Strawberry Sorbet

I have a family quilting retreat coming up next week, and my cousin/partner for one of the dinners is making lasagna or manicotti.  I'm making a nice salad, and I want to make some sort of light, refreshing dessert.  I have a couple options to try, or if those don't work I'll make Banana Split Pie.  Which is not quite light, not particularly refreshing, but soooo delicious that none of that matters.

So first up is this fresh strawberry sorbet, which can also be made into a granita if desired.  I'm going for sorbet.  The recipe comes from The Bon Appetit Cookbook: Fast Easy Fresh, which is a good cookbook to own.  I'm really just getting started with it, although I've had it on my shelf for a few years.  Incidentally, I noticed that if you follow the link, right now you can get the hard cover cookbook for a "bargain price" of $13.98!  Wow.  I'm tempted to order another one just because that's so cheap!!

I have to say that this sorbet is the winner right out of the gate.  Not only is it quite easy, you can make it 3 days ahead, and it is unbelievably fresh-tasting and delicious, and even fairly healthy!  A new family favorite.  Make some today!!

Picture soon, we ate it much too fast!

Fresh Strawberry Sorbet
 6 servings

2 cups water
1 cup sugar

1 quart fresh strawberries, hulled
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice

Stir 2 cups water and sugar in a heavy medium saucepan over high heat until sugar dissolves.  Boil 5 minutes, remove from heat.

Working in batches, puree strawberries in processor until smooth.  Add strawberry puree and orange and lemon juices to sugar syrup; stir to blend.  Cover and refrigerate until cold, about 2 hours.

Process strawberry mixture in ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions.

MAKE AHEAD:  Can be made 3 days ahead.  Cover and freeze in airtight container.  If sorbet is frozen solid, place in refrigerator for 15 minutes to soften before serving.


  1. Yummy sorbet.Here it so hot that we are indulging in ice creams and juices. This would be a cool addition to our list...

  2. PJ, you will love this! So refreshing and the fruit isn't cooked, it's delicious! Everyone at my retreat (as well as my family) LOVED it!


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