Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nicole's Super Fast Pizza Sauce

When my family went over to Colorado to visit Nicole's family, she whipped up some pizzas for dinner. She made this sauce, it was so delicious and so unbelievably simple! Nicole is my friend who lives in Germany and writes the blog For the Love of Food.

When my brother and his family came to visit us last week, we made individual, make-your-own pizzas, and everyone loved them. I just didn't feel like I had time for a batch of my marinara sauce, (and believe it or not, I did not have any stashed in the freezer!) but I didn't want to buy sauce either, so it was Nicole's sauce to the rescue!

I shaped pizzas out of Artisan bread dough, my brother put together the pizza sauce, and everyone prepared their own pizza using a variety of toppings including pepperoni, mushrooms, mozzerella, goat cheese, roasted chicken, roasted red peppers. (I wish we had had fresh basil for the roasted chicken and goat cheese pizzas, but no such luck).

Yum. Go here for the artisan pizza dough technique, and here is Nicole's sauce recipe.

Pizza Sauce

¼ Cup of Tomato Paste
2 Tablespoons of Water
dash of Salt, Pepper, Garlic powder, and Onion Powder

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until combined. Add more tomato paste for a thicker consistency, or more water for a thinner consistency.

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