Sunday, August 15, 2010

Au Revoir...

Just a note to let you all know that I'll be gone for a few weeks...can you guess where? The whole family, me, Number One, H-Bomb, Sawed Off, even Grandpa & Mary are heading to France to visit our dear friend Jean-Claude. We are beyond excited.

We'll be in Paris for about a week (the picture above is NOT from our hotel), then we'll travel by train into the country in the South of France, where we'll stay in Jean-Claude's country house, walk to the village, play with the neighbor's goats and eat some of the neighbor's cheese (I hope).

While I won't be blogging, I will be eating fabulous food and drinking fabulous wine and taking lots of hopefully fabulous pictures! I'll tell you all about it when we return, in mid-August.

In the meantime, enjoying perusing the hundreds of recipes already at The Bad Girl's Kitchen, leave a comment and tell me what you think, and stay tuned for fabulous blog posts upon our return!


***And spammers, the rule remains: No Spam Allowed. Spam will be immediately deleted. I only said I wouldn't be blogging.***


  1. Hope you have a wonderful, safe trip. Can't wait for posted pictures when you get home!

  2. Oh!!!! I'm so jealous that you're going to Paris!!! Have an absolutely wonderful time there :D

    Take some photos of the wonderful food, pastries and sweets...even if you aren't eating them yourself!

  3. Hello,
    Have a nice trip! Please share more photos of your journey, when you come back. I am eager to see those photos.


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