Saturday, May 1, 2010

Make Your Own Pizza!

H-Bomb had a friend over after school yesterday. I thought it'd be fun for them to make their own pizzas. I pulled some Marinara sauce out of the freezer, and decided to use my Artisan bread dough for the pizza crust.

All I had to do was assemble the ingredients, roll out the dough, watch the boys assemble their own pizzas and bake!

The boys, ages 4, 6 and 7, had so much fun, and the two older ones each finished eating their entire pizza!

Make Your Own Pizzas

Artisan bread dough
Marinara sauce
pizza toppings:
shredded cheese
green peppers
anything you want!

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Gather pizza toppings. I put them in separate small bowls for easy access. Sprinkle a few baking sheets with cornmeal, in circles roughly the size of your pizzas.

I used a peach-size lump of bread dough for each pizza, shaped it into a ball with floured hands, let it rest, then used a rolling pin (and my hands) to roll it out to pizza size. Placed each round of dough on the cornmeal, and let the boys go at it with toppings.

I baked each tray of pizzas at 425 degrees F for about 20 minutes.


  1. The pizza looks wonderful. I stopped by just to say hello but was lured by some of your earlier recipes and stayed longer than I planned. I really like the food you present here. I'll be back often to see what you've conjured up. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Mouthwatering...mmmm.... and the kids look like they are having a blast!

  3. Great pictures! It is so much fun to cook with your kids.


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