Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sweet and Sour BBQ Sauce

This BBQ sauce is based off of the flavors from a traditional Vietnamese Sweet and Sour recipe given to me by an amazing chef named Duc in Hoi An, Vietnam.

First I made this pineapple and onion mix and sauteed it on medium for 10 minutes until the onions were soft and the pineapple was partially cooked. I used:
  • 1/4 red onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 cup pineapple, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • green onion
I removed that from heat and started to mix together the base for my BBQ sauce.

I combined the following ingredients and mixed well.
  • 1 six ounce can tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 3 TB soy sauce
  • 2 TB rice wine vinegar
  • 1 TB onion powder
  • 1 TB garlic powder
  • 1 TB toasted sesame oil
Then, I put the BBQ sauce base in my Vita-Mix with all but 1/2 cup of the pineapple onion mixture and blended it for 30 seconds or so.


  1. Megan, this looks great! I can't wait to try it.

    Dave, you think this is good, you really ought to try my husband's grandmother's recipe: Redd Ranches Famous BBQ Sauce

  2. Sounds great, I'm gonna try it soon! Thanks!

  3. jus the kinda ecstasy we need at the party below and u sure are invited ...

    Hullo Happy Sunshine pal, its GOrgeously spring ,blue skies and summer hues, we are so happy and with this happiness lets JOin the Party ,for dear CHaya 's BIRTHDAY.[10th april]..yeah its a suprise party for her....and she's ur pal too....

    and all u need to do is hop at the link below and leave her a birthday message and link any or all of ur deliciousness u wanna bring to the party.....looking foward to u ....at the party and CHaya ...is going to love having u over .......
    ANd if possible please send this message atleast to 5 of ur bloggin buddys , we so wanna make her day dont we....

    come to the party ....ur presence n love will make the difference.....

    to bring the joy of the gorgeously stunning Springtime right here


  4. good Home made BBQ sauce! I'm gonna try it soon! Thanks!

  5. I love reading your blog and think the recipes you post are delicious so when I recieved this Sunshine Award I decided to pass it on to you.


    x x x


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