Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ham & Cheese Mini Frittatas

First, I will tell you, I'm not a big Rachael Ray fan. In fact, I can't even say I'm "a fan" of hers. You'd have to be from a different universe to not know who she is though, and for Christmas someone got me one of her cookbooks. I think she's the main reason you won't read the word "delish" very many times here.

This is the first recipe I've tried out of the book. Not because I've been avoiding the book, just because it's not the first book I reach for.

Anyway, I was intrigued by these mini frittatas, and have been wanting to make them. I also would like to test whether they can be assembled the night before, because that would make them even better (if they also taste good, of course).

Oh Rachael. Who in the world tested these recipes?? I wanted to double the recipe, so I used 16 large eggs, and was pathetically short. I had to use 8 more eggs!! Yes, a total of 24 EGGS in order to "double" a recipe that calls for 8. Not only is it annoying to have to mix up another batch, now I'm just hoping they turn out since I'll have a house full of people in half an hour.

Luckily, the frittatas cooked up very cute and delicious. I'm still upset about the big error in the recipe, so I'll be making changes as I type. And crossing things out in my book, in pen, because that's how I roll. I just popped them in the oven as the guests started to arrive, so they were still hot when we were ready to eat brunch.

Forgot to take a picture of the magnificent 24, so these are what we had left. I can't wait to try variations. Chives were fresh from the garden (they're the first thing to come back--Spring is here, folks).

Ham & Cheese Mini Frittatas
makes 12 frittatas

3 tablespoons butter, melted (I didn't melt or even measure my butter)
1/4 pound deli-sliced Swiss cheese, finely chopped
1/4 pound ham steak or Canadian bacon, finely chopped
a splash of milk or half-and-half
3 tablespoons snipped or chopped fresh chives
salt and freshly ground pepper
a few drops of hot sauce
8 12 eggs, well beaten

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Brush a 12-muffin tin liberally with butter (use more if needed). Divide the chopped ham and cheese evenly among the muffin cups. Add the milk, chives, salt and pepper, and hot sauce to the eggs and fill the cups up to just below the rim with the egg mixture. Bake the frittatas until golden and puffy, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove to a plate with a small spatula (and tongs) and serve.

Alternative fillings: You can also try defrosted chopped frozen broccoli and shredded Cheddar, or chopped cooked bacon with shredded smoked Gouda and sauteed mushrooms.

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