Saturday, February 13, 2010

Homemade White Castle Burgers

Although I'm originally from Michigan, I didn't grow up in a city. I don't remember even having a White Castle Burger until college, but they are legendary. And they seem to produce strong feelings: you either love them or you don't. I happen to love them. Number One happens to not. We'll see how he feels about these Homemade White Castle Burgers!

Somehow I ran across this recipe at Big Red Kitchen (hey, I have a big red kitchen too!) for White Castle-like Sliders. And I just had to try them. Number One said he hopes they are better than White Castles, and if not, then these are the last ones we'll make, (he threatened). I told him the recipe makes 24! I am hoping for a happy medium...better, but similar would be perfect! And I'll happily try freezing some, or just eat them all weekend long by myself.

The only deviations so far from the original recipe: we use our own ground beef, so I honestly don't know how that compares to 80/20 or whatever. Also, 1/2 teaspoons of seasoned salt just didn't seem like enough. I started with 1 teaspoon of Lawry's (what else is there?) and then sprinkled on a bit more for good measure. We like it.

I'm using "hard rolls" from the bakery in our grocery store, they're really not hard at all.

I love how easy this recipe is!

So. I think the rolls I used were too big, and the patty was really thick. I couldn't fathom cutting the big burger into 24; they wouldn't have fit on the rolls and really seemed minuscule for how thick our "patty" was. So, we ended up with 8 burgers. Make that 8 delicious burgers! I'll be trying this again...maybe in a larger pan so they're thinner?? With smaller rolls and/or with less meat? I don't know.

But I definitely love the idea, and I love the flavor from the onions. They were perfect just plain, on a bun with pickles. (I told Number One he shouldn't add Grey Poupon, but he didn't listen).

Here's Robin's recipe:

White Castle-like Sliders
Makes 24 Sliders

1/2 cup dried onion flakes
2 pounds ground chuck- 80/20 ground beef
1/2 t. seasoned salt
6 slices cheddar cheese
24 small party rolls
24 dill pickle slices

Evenly spread the onions on the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Gently press the ground beef on top of the onion flakes. Press evenly making one giant patty. Sprinkle with seasoned salt.

Bake in a 400 degree oven for 25 minutes.

Using a paper towel, pat the excess grease from the top of the patty. Top with cheddar cheese, return to oven for 2 more minutes.

Remove from oven, let set 5 minutes then cut into 24 patties. Slice open and separate each party roll. Place bottom of rolls on a large platter. Using a spatula lift patty with onion layer onto each bun bottom. Top each slider with a pickle slice then the bun lid. Serve immediately.

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