Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day Dinner

It's not often that Number One and I really celebrate Valentine's Day. Our first wedding anniversary (we had two weddings) is the week before, and we barely remember that. This year, it happens we'll be at a luxury resort in Tucson for our anniversary, so we lucked out there.

When the latest Everyday Food magazine came out the other day, they featured this "Valentine's Day" dinner: Eat Out (At Home). That is about our speed these days, and there is plenty of time to plan ahead. The menu sounds just perfect:

Of course we'll be doubling all the recipes for four people.

In the meantime, let us know what your plans are!

image from microsoft office clip art


  1. right now, I am making no plans... too far away. But, having spent a bit of time in food service, I know I will not go out that particular night... couple days before or after, but never the 14th

  2. We always go out for dinner. Generally my husband makes the reservation at some romantic restaurant that we both enjoy. This year maybe we will do a "happy hour" and go back home and enjoy our new hot tub!

  3. My boyfriend and I often cook at home, but he likes fish and I like meat. Surf and Turf

  4. No plans yet, Dave? Keep us posted!

    Ida, that sounds and/or hot tub!

    Devon, I really can't serve seafood here on the ranch without a side of beef, so I'm with you on the surf & turf! I love both!

    Thanks for your comments! Recipes coming soon!

  5. I'm with Dave - we NEVER go out on the actual day - too many bad memories of being a food server for so many years. This year we're going out on Friday with our niece and her hubby for a pre Valentine dinner. Then on the actual day we're going out at home too. Our Valentine Menu includes Sweet & Sour Caramelized Chicken, Mixed Green Salad with warm cream cheese croutons and the Tiramisu I'm preparing for the Daring Kitchen.

    Have fun at the resort!:)


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