Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Bad Girl Endeavor!

Just after Christmas, this Bad Girl took on a new endeavor. After a Guest Host spot on OuR KrAzy kItChEn in early December, I was asked if I was interested in hosting a weekly post.

How could I resist? That, my friends, is how Try A New Recipe Day was born. Each Tuesday, I'll post a recipe over on OuR KrAzy kItChEn. It may be an old, beloved recipe, or something brand new, you never know (and neither do I!)

There are NINE different themes over there at the kItChEn, so there's something new almost every day!

So, go on over and:

BGKitchen button


  1. welcome to the party... Try to avoid brussels sprouts

  2. Hey Min,
    I'm Jen, Rene's friend. Just jumped over to say hi! I hope I get some time to look over your recipes! I'm always in the need for more ideas!

  3. We're so happy to have you! And you feel free to do Brussels sprouts anytime!


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