Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Key Lime Pie

We haven't had Key Lime Pie in a very long time. In fact, the closest we've come to Key Lime Pie was the Key Lime Pie Cupcakes I made back in July! So when we were thinking of pies for Thanksgiving, we decided on Key Lime. YUM.

This recipe comes off the back of the bottle of Nellie & Joe's Famous Key West Lime Juice. It's really the only Key Lime Pie recipe I've ever used, and it works like a charm. Because this pie needs to be refrigerated, it is perfect for making a day in advance.

Nellie & Joe's Key Lime Pie

One 9" graham cracker pie shell
One - 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
3 egg yolks (whites not used)
1/2 cup Nellie & Joe's Famous Key West Lime Juice

Combine milk, egg yolks and lime juice. Blend until smooth. Pour filling into pie shell and bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes.

Allow to stand 10 minutes before refrigerating. Just before serving, top with freshly whipped cream and garnish with lime slices.

*To make the cute little lime twists, I just very thinly cut three slices of lime. Make one cut from the center to the outside edge, then twist the ends in opposite directions. Place the twisted ends flat on the pie surface, pressing down slightly to adhere.

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