Monday, November 9, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Body and Soul

1 chicken quartered and cleaned (I used four bottoms.)

6 quarts of water

1 whole onion, peeled ( two onions)

2 stalks of celery with leaves (4)

3-4 whole peppercorns

3 large whole carrots, peeled (halved)

3 parsnips, peeled

1 medium turnip, peeled

1 sweet potato (my addition)

2-3 sprigs dill parsley

salt and pepper to taste

Obvious any changes are miniscule. I can't use a strong pepper flavor or a few members of the family stop eating. They don't know what is good. Remember, one of them does not do well with garlic either. Oh, the suffering I go through. (giggling)

Place chicken, onions, celery, sweet potato and one sprig of dill in pot of water so that there is enough room for the chicken and vegetables.

Bring to simmer - never to boil Reduce heat to medium-low. The gentle heating ensures that the soup will remain clear.

Skim soup of fat and scum frequently. This usually takes about 30 minutes. Add two carrots, two parsnips, half of the turnip, one spring of dill, salt and pepper and cook partially covered for two hours over very low heat. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Using a slotted spoon, remove chicken and vegetables from the broth. Debone the chicken, dice and save for salad or crepes. Save the carrots, parsnip and turnips and discard the celery and onion. (I throw the chicken, cut-up, back into the soup.)

(I left out part of Ruth's recipe. With apologies. She keeps out a carrot and parsnip to cut into one inch pieces with half of a turnip, also cut up and steams them separately over the some of the broth for serving with the soup.

(I add two peeled zucchini for the last thirty minutes and add them, cut up, to the soup.

Let the soup cool to romm temperature, uncovered before refrigerating. Do not allow to cool, covered. It can sour.

Refrigerate overnight and carefully remove remaining fat.

We had the soup, Friday night, and it was nourishing and with the addition of knaidlach, (matzah balls) it was very filling.

Posted by Sweet and Savory Says it All

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