Sunday, November 1, 2009

Aunt Sunny's Tomato Soup

This soup is something I crave and make often... especially when the weather starts to turn cool. I first tasted it about 5 years ago when my awesome Aunt Sunny made it. Rumor is, My Uncle Hardy (Sunny's hubby) ate at a restaurant in New York and loved the soup so much that he asked for the recipe and they gave it! I'm not sure what restaurant it was, so I've always called this "Aunt Sunny's Tomato Soup".

It's different than any other tomato soup that I've tried. It's creamier and has just a hint of sweetness to it. It's difficult to describe the taste suffice it to say that I LOVE this soup. Yes, if soup could be a spouse, I would marry this one. In addition to the absolute deliciousness of it, I love it because it is a simple and quick dish that I can throw together and serve in as little as 15 minutes. I recommend serving with a grilled cheese sandwich or an artisan bread. YUM!

1/2 medium onion (diced)
2 Tbsp. butter
2 cans diced tomatoes (each can is 14 1/2 oz)
2 cans tomato soup (I prefer Campbell's)
1 1/2 C. milk
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1 8 oz. package of cream cheese

Saute the onions in the butter. While onions are sauteing, take 1 can of tomato soup and the cream cheese and blend until smooth (I like to use a blender). Add both cans of diced tomatoes to sauteing onions and boil. Stir in other can of soup, herbs, and cream cheese/soup mixture, and bring to a slow boil. Lower heat and add milk. Simmer until hot (DO NOT BOIL). Enjoy :).


  1. This does sound very,very good indeed. Oh, the cream cheese must had a suaveness that lifts this soup to great gustatory heights! thanks for this delicious post. Tomato soup is a big favorite with us.

  2. Made this tomato soup tonight. It was very very good!! Had just enough left for my husband and myself to have a serving for lunch tomorrow!! Thanks for the recipe!!

  3. I'm glad you liked it :). It's almost better the next day.


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