Tuesday, October 20, 2009

White Wine Sangria

I was searching for a sangria recipe (or two) when planning our Housewarming Extravaganza. I went over to my friend Catherine's house, and was perusing her cookbooks. In Williams-Sonoma Cocktails & Appetizers, I found a recipe for a traditional (red) Sangria, as well as this White Sangria.

Cath let me borrow the cookbook, and the rest is history. This White Sangria was my favorite of the two, refreshing and cinnamony, and beautiful in a clear glass container. We made a quadruple batch for our party, and very little was left. If you are looking for a simple drink with a lovely presentation that most people will like, try this.

Incidentally, this does not keep, even leaving it overnight the citrus was overpowering. Best to drink it within hours of preparation. Follow the link for several similar glass drink dispensers.

White Wine Sangria
Serves 6
This may be the best wine cooler you've ever had. Afloat not only with fresh fruit such as citrus and peaches, it is also infused with cinnamon sticks and fresh mint. Although blood oranges add a beautiful color to the white wine, regular oranges work just as well. (We used regular oranges)

1/4 cup sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
handful fresh mint leaves
1 each lemon and orange
1 peach, pitted, peeled, and sliced
1/2 bottle dry white wine
soda water (we used club soda)

1. In a saucepan, combine 2/3 cup water, sugar, cinnamon sticks, and half of the mint. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool.

2. Slice the lemon and orange. Place lemon, orange, and peach slices in a pitcher. Add wine, sugar mixture, and remaining mint. Fill pitcher with soda water. Stir well. Pour over ice cubes in tall glasses, adding some fruit to each glass.

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