Friday, October 23, 2009

Jalapeño Bacon Cheese Ball

When I found this recipe on Fun Foods on a Budget, I knew it was a must for our Housewarming Extravaganza. I forgot about saving 3 jalapeños from our almost 200 Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños for this recipe, so I ended up using 4 (because they're small) jalapeños from our garden~spicy!

I'm so glad we had some of this cheese ball left after the party, just for us. It was delicious!

Remember to make this 24 hours in advance to give the flavors time to develop.

Jalapeño Bacon Cheese Ball
2 8-oz. packages cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
6 slices bacon
2-3 jalapeños, seeded and finely diced
Salt, garlic powder, chili powder to taste
Something to roll the ball in (I used chopped walnuts)

Fry the bacon until crispy. Cool, crumble and add to cream cheese. Fry jalapeños in bacon grease until tender. Add to cream cheese and bacon. Add shredded cheese and seasonings. (I would guess I used about 1 teaspoon each, but you should start with 1/2 teaspoon each) Mix together until well blended.

Form into a loose ball, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and chill.

Once hardened, take it out and pat it into a more perfect ball shape. Don't handle it too much or it will soften and you'll have to chill it again. Pour chopped nuts (or coating of choice) onto a plate, and roll the cheese ball in them until fully coated. Wrap with plastic wrap. Chill until ready to serve (preferably overnight so the flavors have plenty of time to blend). Serve with crackers.

1 comment:

  1. Yumm.. I think cheese balls are always a welcomed sight at parties. Nice kicked-up version that would be well loved by my friends and family.


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