Friday, July 10, 2009

Taste & Create XXI Partner List

It's that time again! Here is the fabulous Taste & Create partner list! Please remember that your submissions are due by July 24. Sign in and submit your entries on the Taste & Create website, please do not email them to me. Feel free to contact me at cowgirlmin [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions at all.

Thank you to Marthe (and the rest who volunteered!) for taking on two partners this month!

The deadline for sign-ups for August's Taste & Create is August 8th, please email your sign-up information to me at cowgirlmin [at] gmail [dot] com. And encourage all your friends to sign up next month as well!

Tasty Treats & Love Big, Bake Often

Knick Nosh & The Bad Girl's Kitchen

One Hot Stove & One Little Corner of the World

Bombay Foodie & eat me, delicious

One Frugal Foodie & Dil Se..

Culinary Delights & Parita's World

Foodie plus 4 & What's For Supper

Cupcake Project & Hippo Flambe

Piccante Dolce & Mommy? I'm Hungry

No Reason Needed & Culinary Delights

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