Monday, May 11, 2009

Taste & Create XVIV Partner List

Here it is, the partner list! Please remember that your submissions are due by May 24. Sign in and submit your entries on the Taste & Create website, please do not email them to me. Feel free to contact me at cowgirlmin [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions at all.

The deadline for sign-ups for June's Taste & Create is June 8th, please email your sign-up information to me at cowgirlmin [at] gmail [dot] com.

(any problems with the links below, please let me know and I'll fix them ASAP)


For the Love of Food & High on the Hog

Food Is Relational & The Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch

Columbus Foodie & Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska

I♥cuppycakes! & One Frugal Foodie

Bombay Foodie & Let Them Eat Cake

Perrys' Plate & The Bad Girl's Kitchen (Shell)

La Recette du Jour & My Kitchen Treasures

Ruth's Kitchen Experiments & Tasty Treats

Kits Chow & Culinary Delights

The Bad Girl's Kitchen (Min) & Cupcake Project

Fun Foods on a Budget & What's For Supper

Tangerine's Kitchen & Livin Local

Life at Quail Hollow & More Than Burnt Toast


  1. I'm excited to participate!

    The links for several blogs are a little incorrect - they begin with and then go on to the address. As written, the links don't work. It's these ones:

    Food is Relational, One Frugal Foodie, Fun Foods on a Budget, and What's For Supper.


  2. Ack! Thanks for telling me. I don't know how that happened, other than a LOT of copying and pasting! Should be working now...


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