Sunday, May 24, 2009

Number One's Smoked Chicken Chili

Last night, Number One used our smoker for the first time in a long time. It definitely will not be the last time. Despite its smoke-blackened skin, the chicken was moist and delicious and the boys and I could not get enough! Luckily we did have some leftovers, and Number One decided to make this chili with them. It was his idea, but I came up with the ingredients, and he put it together (with my supervision), so it's technically a team effort. It smelled so good today while we were making this!

I will post his smoked chicken recipe (and picture) when he makes it again, very soon I hope!

So first, smoke a chicken, or I suppose you could buy a rotisserie-roasted chicken from the store, but you would lose that smoky-good flavor. Then proceed.

We served our chili with Number One's freshly-made tortillas. H-bomb loved it all. And I was too hungry to track down the camera. Picture tomorrow!

Smoked Chicken Chili

Meat from at least 1/2 smoked or rotisserie chicken, deboned and diced
Carcass of said chicken

2 to 3 tablespoons lard
1 yellow onion, chopped
4 large cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup flour
1 tablespoon cumin
1 1/2 teaspoons dried Mexican oregano

2 15-ounce cans pinto beans, drained
2 15-ounce cans black beans, drained (or you could use 4 cans of one type of beans)
1 14-ounce can corn kernels, drained
2 14-ounce cans diced tomatoes
2 4-ounce cans diced hot green chiles

small handful fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped or fresh cilantro, chopped
1 tablespoon kosher salt, to taste

Remove all meat from chicken carcass, reserving carcass pieces, chop meat and set aside. Add carcass pieces to a large pot and add water to cover, at least 4 cups. Boil carcass gently for about two hours, adding water if needed to maintain about 4 cups, and then let cool. Meanwhile, chop onion, garlic and drain beans and corn. After broth has cooled a bit, strain chicken broth into a clean container; discard carcass.

In a large soup pot, heat lard over medium heat and gently saute onions and garlic until onions are translucent and maybe a little browned, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in flour, cumin and oregano, stirring constantly until mixed, cook about one minute.

Add all canned ingredients, diced chicken, and strained broth. Bring to a boil and reduce heat, simmer gently for about an hour, until warmed through.

Stir in kosher salt and parsley, and serve with freshly made tortillas. A dollop of sour cream would be good too.


  1. Mmm, I love a good chili. You're making me jealous that I don't own a smoker. Sounds like that chicken was absolutely fabulous! YUM!

  2. Hi Elyse,
    Yes, the chicken was fabulous. Look into smokers, I'm sure there is a range of prices/styles. We are going to be using ours, from Cabela's, much more!
    Thanks for stopping by!


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