Friday, April 10, 2009

H-Bomb's Bagel Faces

This is another cute recipe from H-Bomb's new cookbook: Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes: A Cookbook for Preschoolers & Up. I let him look through the book on his own, helping him figure out what the recipes are, and then he picks one. Each recipe has a pictorial version so young kids can follow the recipe themselves.

This is a very healthy snack, or even a yummy dinner. H-Bomb was excited to help me at the grocery store, picking out different vegetables he loves, to use for his Bagel Faces.

Bagel Faces
* marks the ingredients H-Bomb chose at the store

*1 medium-long, thin carrot, sliced into thin rounds (H-Bomb also wanted a mini carrot for a nose)
*tiny cherry tomatoes, whole or sliced in half
black olives, sliced
*1 small bell pepper, any color, thinly sliced
*alfalfa sprouts
*1 very small cucumber, sliced into thin rounds

1 small container whipped cream cheese, room temperature (easier for kids to spread)
1 or 2 bagels, cut in half

Other possibilities:
grated carrot (rather than sliced)
grated beets
*toasted sunflower seeds
minced chives

1. Arrange the vegetables in small bowls on a table.
2. Spread cream cheese on the bagel halves.
3. Decorate and eat!

Sawed Off ate half of his bagel with cream cheese, and then decided to make a face on his with cucumbers and green peppers. I believe he was inspired by Picasso:

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