Friday, January 16, 2009

Sourdough Flapjacks

So once again, I got Virgil (my new sourdough starter) out of the fridge and put him to work. I am starting to get the hang of this! I fed him, let him sit on the counter for 8 hours, and last night I mixed up a batch of MaryJane's Sourdough Flapjacks. The recipe is from MaryJane's Ideabook, Cookbook, Lifebook. (some day I promise I will try MaryJane's starter, but for now, I'm using my Virgil). The flapjack mix has to sit for 12 hours, so they are the ultimate make-ahead breakfast, and they are easy! MaryJane serves hers with homemade Elderberry Syrup, but for us in the midst of winter, plain old maple will have to do!

These flapjacks are delicious! You really do have to make sure they are cooked golden brown, or they will turn out just a bit chewy. But honestly, they were so good that I forgot to take a picture, and then they were gone. Never fear, we will be making these again soon, and I will add a picture then! Make some!

Sourdough Flapjacks
yield: 8 flapjacks

1 cup sourdough starter
1 cup organic flour
1/2 cup water

Mix starter, flour and water. Let stand overnight (about 12 hours), covered with a cloth in a warm place.

Stir mixture well and carefully ladle onto a lightly greased griddle. Flip flapjacks after bubbles form and tops have lost their sheen.

Serve with Elderberry Syrup. Or maple =).


  1. i haven't made pancakes or waffles or anything like that with my starter--great idea!

  2. They are so good! Let me know how yours turn out!


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