Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cowboy Sourdough Biscuits

Number One asked if he could use some of my latest sourdough starter, Horatio, to make sourdough biscuits. The cowboy way. After some debate, I agreed. He really wasn't happy at all about the whole wheat in the starter. He said he was out of practice, hasn't made sourdough biscuits in years. They used to make sourdough biscuits every day for lunch (or breakfast) and eat them with venison steaks.

He doesn't measure anything, so I suppose this is more of a "technique" than a "recipe." But I'll tell you how he did it.

He poured some flour (probably less than 1/2 cup) into a shallow dish.

He dumped in some sourdough starter (quite a bit).

He sprinkled some baking powder and baking soda on the starter,
then kneaded everything together.

He poured some oil in an 8x8" pan,
then formed loose biscuits (blobs) with his hands.
He placed the biscuits in the oiled pan,
turning and flipping them to coat both sides with oil.

He made as many biscuits as there was dough (not very many today),
and put the pan in the oven,
warm from baking a batch of Grace's sourdough bread,
to rise.

He let them rise in the oven a bit, then turned the oven on to 350 degrees.
I don't know how long he baked them for, but honestly it could have been just a bit less.

The biscuits are delicious (if just a bit overdone on the bottom), and the recipe seems fairly fool-proof. Yummy biscuits! Quick and easy too! If you have some extra sourdough starter around, this "recipe" is worth a shot.

1 comment:

  1. horatio? another wonderful name. :)
    sourdough biscuits and venison steaks are definitely the makings of a magnificent meal. tell number one that he done good. :)


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