Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shell's "Penicillin" Soup

I'm sick right now.  I don't feel good at all.  My throat is killing me and I can barely swallow anything with it feeling like a dozen razor blades going down my throat.  All I've doing today is drinking tea, coffee, water.  But I'm hungry now... but I still can't eat.  So here's a recipe I threw together for lunch today.  It's simple, ready in 15 minutes, has a little protein but is easy to swallow.  You don't have to add the dumplings... it's fine without but the dumplings make it a little more filling if you ask my opinion.

Here's what you'll need...

1 carton (32-oz) of broth (vegetable or chicken)
1 egg beaten
salt and pepper

1/2-cup of milk
1/2 stick (4-Tbs) of butter
1/2-cup of flour
1/4-cup of yellow cornmeal
1 egg beaten
salt & pepper

  • Heat up the broth to a boil.  Season with salt & pepper.
  • While the broth is heating up, heat the milk and butter to a boil in a separate small saucepan.
  • Once the milk/butter boils, remove from heat and add the flour, cornmeal, salt & pepper and mix well.  Add the egg and mix well.  Set aside.
  • Once the broth is boiling, take a fork or whisk and slowly pour the egg into the soup.  Use the fork or whisk to break up the egg.  Looks just like egg drop soup.
  • Add spoonfuls of the dumpling mixture (about 6-8).
  • Cover and reduce heat to simmer for about 10 minutes or until the dumplings float to the top.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're sick--but I bet that yummy soup made you feel better...


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