Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mashed Potatoes

What's a holiday meal without mashed potatoes??  You gotta have them.  These you can make up ahead of time and just pop into the oven about 20-30 minutes to warm them up.

4-lbs of Yukon Gold potatoes (peeled and quartered)
1 Bay Leaf
1 cup of heavy cream
4-Tbs Butter
Salt & Pepper
1-Tbs fresh chopped chives

Boil your potatoes in salted water with the bay leaf until tender (about 15-20 minutes).   Drain and return to the pot.  Mash with a masher or large spoon.  Add butter and cream and continue mashing until smooth.  You can also use a hand mixer to get them extra smooth.  Add salt & pepper to taste and chives.  

Serves 6

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