Friday, November 14, 2008

Cran-Apple Walnut Cake

This is another Moosewood classic, but for some reason it has disappeared from the Moosewood Cookbook. My friend had the original cookbook, which I finally found at an estate sale, from which I got this recipe. I had been upset, years ago, when I bought the revised 15th anniversary edition, to discover that my beloved Cran-Apple Walnut Cake had been lost...deleted...abandoned. I desperately copied the recipe from my friend's cookbook into the back cover of my cookbook. Because I believe cookbooks should be used. I feel like not including this recipe in recent and future editions was/is a serious oversight. So please, feel free to grab a pen and write this recipe in your favorite Moosewood cookbook. It is delicious, and satisfying, perfect for fall, and I know you will want to keep and treasure this recipe as well.

The batter will be very thick and sticky. It's difficult to stir in the apples, cranberries and nuts, but don't worry about it. Just do the best you can with a wooden spoon until the fruit and nuts are somewhat evenly distributed. It will look like this:

The cake is spicy and the apples and cranberries are so tangy and delicious. I really love this cake for breakfast. Bake it until a toothpick comes out clean, and then allow it to cool for 10 or 15 minutes before slicing it. Serve warm or at room temperature, with coffee!

Cran-Apple Walnut Cake

1 3/4 cups light brown sugar OR 1 cup honey plus 2 tablespoons orange juice concentrate
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sliced cooking apples
1/2 cup walnut pieces
1/2 cup fresh, whole raw cranberries

Cream together oil and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Sift together flour and dry ingredients. Add to first mixture and stir until thoroughly combined. Stir in apples, cranberries and nuts.

Bake in a well-greased 9x13 pan at 350 degrees F. for 45 to 50 minutes.


  1. I like this cake too and was disappointed to find it was not in the newer addition, which I purchased after loosing my original (I think it fell in the trash basket). Anyway thanks for sharing. BTW you can chop the cranberries for a slightly different outcome. Also, for special occasions, I am inclined to drizzle a Lemon Glaze over it: Blend 1 cup confectioners sugar, 1 1/2 Tbs lemon juice, 1/2 tsp vanilla and 1 Tbs corn syrup until smooth. Drizzle over cooled cake.

  2. You made my day! Every time the weather turns chilly I want to make this cake, but loaned out my original Moosewood Cookbook and didn't get it back and have been looking everywhere for an older edition with this recipe!! Thank you so much for posting :-)

  3. Anon January, I might try chopped cranberries, but not lemon glaze. I love this cake as is!

    Anon October, that's so frustrating! I try not to loan things out anymore...and since you've reminded me, today just might be the perfect Fall day for another Cran-Apple Walnut Cake! Enjoy!

  4. I've had the original Moosewood Cookbook since the early 80s and the page w/ the Cran apple walnut cake recipe is the most stained and wrinkled since it's our family's annual holiday favorite!! I don't know why the Moosewood folks took it out of the new edition. I also like how the old edition has handwritten recipes and cute drawings.

    This has always been one of those desserts that tastes WAY better than it looks. I hope more people will try it now that you've posted it. Thanks!

  5. My older sisters gave me the original Moosewood Cookbook when I was a teenager and this recipe is without question my favorite and has been a family tradition ever since. I also make it for work occasions and it invariably goes faster than more common chocolate goodies.

    I use more spices than the original recipe, but otherwise it's the same. HIGHLY recommended!

  6. I was quite shocked, as well as disappointed, see that that the editors deleted this recipe from the Moosewood Cookbook when I saw the newer edition on the shelves of the grocery store some time ago. What a loss to new people who first come to this cookbook! It is my favorite recipe from this cookbook and I have made it hundreds times, but have altered it considerably by adding other fruits, such as fresh pears, and spices, such as cardamom, to make it into what I renamed a Fresh Fruit Cake, which I have sold at fairs and other venues. And yes, my copy of the Moosewood Cookbook is also stained on several pages, but most stained on the page which has the Cranapple Walnut Cake recipe.


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