Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blueberry Corn Bread

You know when you start looking through a cookbook, you notice all these really great-sounding recipes that you want to try? Whether it's the first time you've opened it, or if it's so well used it's falling apart, there are delicious recipes in there, just waiting to be made! That is what's happening with me and my Moosewood Cookbook right now. That's why so many posts are coming from that cookbook. I just can't put it down. It's been so long, I've had the book since roughly 1996, and I keep finding recipes to make. Either recipes that I've tried before and loved, or recipes that somehow have escaped my notice over the years...until now!

The other night, Shell was telling me about a corn bread recipe she'd tried. But it didn't turn out as well as her favorite corn bread recipe, which is why you haven't seen the recipe here. It got me to thinking, I bet Mollie has a recipe for corn bread! (Yes, I take the liberty of being on a first-name basis with those cookbook authors whom I love: Mollie, Martha, Bobby, Rick, etc.)

And yes, Mollie does indeed have a recipe for corn bread, three recipes in fact, and it was a tough decision which one to make. For now, I chose Blueberry Corn Bread. Later, I will also prepare and share the recipe for Mollie's Mexican Corn and Cheese Bread. Probably with a pot of my Rustic Chili. You can make the Basic Corn Bread recipe using this recipe, by decreasing the sugar or honey in the recipe below to 3 tablespoons and omitting the blueberries.

But for now, it's Blueberry. I meant to add a dash of vanilla, because my dad said he likes corn bread with vanilla, but I forgot. I also forgot to thaw the blueberries ahead of time, and in hindsight I believe that is a crucial step. I had to bake my cornbread 10 minutes more, and it really should have baked longer--the middle was still unbaked underneath the perfectly golden crust. Live and learn. Thaw your blueberries and drain them! I mean it!

Blueberry Corn Bread
10 minutes to assemble; 20 minutes to bake
Yield: 1 8-inch square panful

butter, for the pan
1 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup buttermilk or yogurt (I used yogurt)
1 egg
1/4 cup sugar or honey
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 1/2 cup fresh blueberries (you can also use frozen unsweetened blueberries. Defrost and drain before using)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 8-inch square pan (or a 9- or 10-inch cast-iron skillet) with butter.

2. Combine the dry ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Combine the wet ingredients (including sugar or honey) separately. Stir the wet mixture into the dry, mixing just enough to thoroughly combine. Gently stir in blueberries. Spread into the prepared pan.

3. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the center is firm to the touch. Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature.


  1. Gonna make it for Sunday breakfast at the campground.

  2. Cornbread turned out very good. Doubled the recipe & baked it in a 9x13 pan. Took about 15 minutes longer but it was worth the wait! Everyone who tried it - yes there were some who wouldn't - liked it! Not much left over but we enjoyed it!


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