Saturday, August 30, 2008

Raw Mushroom Dip

I haven't posted anything in a while but Min and I were just talking about mushrooms.  We both LOVE mushrooms.  Unfortunately my husband hates cooked mushrooms but he likes them raw.  I haven't made this dip in a long time but it used to be my staple item to bring to any gathering we went to.   And the bowl was ALWAYS empty.  It's quick, easy and delicious!

Here's what you'll need...

1  8-oz package of cream cheese (room temp so it's softened a bit).
1-Tbs chopped chives (fresh tastes better but dried will do fine)
1 1/4-cups mushrooms
Salt to taste
Parsley or fresh chives for garnish

1)  Quarter the mushrooms and put them in the food processor.  Process until mushrooms are finely chopped.  Make sure you have about 1 1/4 cups of chopped mushrooms.  Put mushrooms in a bowl.

2)  Put the cream cheese and chives in the processor and blend until smooth and creamy.  

3)  Add the cream cheese mixture to the mushrooms and mix well.  Salt to taste.

4)  Put in a serving bowl and garnish.

Serve with pita chips, crackers, bagel chips... whatever.


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