Monday, September 1, 2008

Min's Fresh Tomato Basil Cream Sauce (for Pasta)

I often cook based on what we have in the garden, fridge and/or pantry. The recipe below has become a family favorite, and is best served hot with some crusty bread and a nice red wine.

This beautiful sauce can easily be made while your pasta is boiling, so it really doesn't take that long. It is best made with fresh ingredients (we pick the tomatoes and basil out of the garden right before cooking) The ingredient amounts are flexible, this is not an exact science. The amounts listed will make roughly four servings.

Tonight, I didn't have an onion, so I used a large shallot instead. I didn't use garlic either. This sauce is fabulous and very forgiving...feel free to experiment! In the past I have also added zucchini, mushrooms, whatever we have on hand.

Fresh Tomato Basil Cream Sauce

Diced onion (about one) or 1 shallot, minced
Minced or chopped garlic (2 to 4 cloves)
coarse salt
Several fresh tomatoes (about 4, depending on size)
Heavy cream (1/2 cup or so)
Butter (up to 1 stick)
Fresh basil, roughly chopped, about 1/4 cup

Dice a small onion, saute' in a couple tablespoons butter over medium heat until soft and translucent. Stir in a couple minced or chopped cloves of garlic. Sprinkle with a teaspoon or more coarse salt. (I use kosher)

Roughly chop several fresh tomatoes and add them to the onions and garlic. Also add heavy cream, about 1/4 cup or more to lighten the color of your sauce. You can also add more butter at this time, and turn up the heat to reduce and thicken the sauce. When the sauce is nearly at your desired consistency, add the fresh basil and cook for a couple minutes longer. Spoon over spaghetti or pasta of your choice.


  1. This sounds wonderful and is under consideration for this month's Taste and Create. I'm wondering how it would be with tomatoes in the freeze.

  2. Honestly, Susan, I have no idea. Let me know how it works out if you try frozen tomatoes?


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