Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Taste & Create Gets Grilling: Grilled Margarita Tilapia

Although we left on vacation in the middle of this event, I couldn't resist. We grill all the time. This is a seasonal version of Taste & Create, hosted by Nicole of For Love of Food. (Nicole, I will add the logo when we get home--my mom has rotary dial-up, which is virtually impossible)

I was paired with Becke of Columbus Foodie, and quickly became enamored with her recipe for Grilled Margarita Grouper. I honestly don't know what kind of fish "grouper" is, but I figured since we were traveling to Michigan (many, many lakes) and my husband likes to fish, I could improvise! Plus, you probably guessed I love margaritas.

We went fishing the other day, and I got more bites than my husband did, but my line wasn't strong enough for whatever kept biting. I caught a small blue gill, but that was it. We came home empty-handed. He went back out that night with my dad, nothing. Back out at 5:AM this morning, still nothing. So I went to the grocery store.

On the menu tonight is:

Grilled Margarita Tilapia!

2 pounds tilapia filets (I used about 2 1/4 pounds for the family)

1/3 cup tequila

1/2 cup triple sec

3/4 cup fresh lime juice

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 tablespoon minced garlic (I used 2 cloves)

2 teaspoons vegetable oil

Combine all ingredients except the fish, and set aside. Place fish in a single layer in a large baking pan (I used 9x13"). Pour marinade over fish, and marinate for 1/2 hour at room temperature, or 3 hours in the refrigerator.

Remove fish from marinade and pat dry. Brush fish on both sides with oil and grill (preferably in a fish basket) for 4-5 minutes each side, or until flesh is opaque and flakes easily. Season with salt and pepper if you wish.

This fish was perfectly grilled, tender and moist and flavorful. I only marinated the fish for 1/2 hour, I was nervous about marinating for more than an hour or two because with all the tequila and lime juice it could start to "cook." I was tempted to follow the directions from the original recipe (link through Becke's post) and boil the marinade for a topping, but after a day of canoeing, I wasn't up for it. Maybe next time, because this dish is wonderful! You should get some fish~however you can~and grill it!


  1. This is DELICIOUS!! I made it with Halibut. I also boiled down the marinade for a sauce and it was fantastic. I nice salad of greens and a side of grilled asparagus from the farm completed the dinner very nicely.

  2. Oh! And of course Margaritas to drink.

  3. Yes! One of our favorites. I love it too.

  4. Yum! Looks delicious! I finally made it through the party posts this evening - I could use one of those pina colodas now ;-)


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