Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This is very refreshing and very potent. Consume with joy and caution.

Mix this in a large non-reactive bowl. If you'd like, you can steep the tea and mix some of it in a saucepan before pouring the hot mixture into a bowl.

Pour 2 cups boiling water over 4 teabags, let steep 3 to 5 minutes. Dissolve 1 1/2 to 2 cups sugar in tea. Add 12 oz. can lemonade concentrate and 12 oz. can orange juice concentrate, stir until dissolved. Add 9 cups cold water and 2 to 2 1/2 cups vodka. Mix well. Pour in large container and freeze.

To serve, scrape out desired amount with a spoon or ice cream scoop.


  1. Your picture looks like you eat it like a dessert... Not sure if that's how you serve it or not. My mother makes something very similar to this (she uses Peach Schnapps, I think, rather than Vodka) and we serve it in glasses and pour lemon lime soda over it. It's a tasty beverage.

  2. That's how I served it last time! We usually eat it with a spoon, if it's hot outside it does thaw faster, but I guess we're not patient enough to wait until it's very "slushy" We've never added any soda or anything. Might be interesting to try it that way...thanks!


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