Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Arroz Blanco con Elote

This dish is an excellent accompaniment to Christina's Pechugas de Pollo con Rajas (Chicken Breasts with Poblano Chiles and Cream) Also adapted from Diana Kennedy's The Cuisines of Mexico.

Arroz Blanco con Elote
(White Rice with Corn)

1 1/2 cups long grain white rice
Hot water to cover
1/3 cup peanut or safflower oil

1/3 medium onion, sliced
1 clove garlic peeled and finely chopped

3 1/2 cups chicken broth.
1 cup fresh or frozen - but not canned corn

Pour the hot water over the rice in a saucepan and let it stand for 25 minutes. Drain the rice and wash it in cold water until the washing water is clear. Drain well in a colander. Shake it several times.

Heat the oil in a saucepan until it is very hot. Give the rice a final shake to get rid of any excess water. Stir the rice well into the oil making sure that all the grains are coated. Fry the rice over a high flame stirring it from time to time (I say frequently) until it is just beginning to color. Add the onion and garlic and continue frying (and stirring) until the rice is a pale gold. (your patience will be rewarded because the rice turns a lovely color) About 10 minutes altogether. Drain some of the excess oil.

Stir the broth and the corn into the rice and do not stir again during the cooking time. Cook the rice over a medium flame - it should bubble fairly briskly - until almost all of the liquid has disappeared - about 10 minutes. Lower the flame, cover the dish with foil and cook the rice for 5 minutes longer. Remove the dish from the flame and let it stand, still covered for at least 30 minutes, so that it will continue to cook in it's own steam.

You can also make this rice with 1/2 carrot and a small handful of peas.

1 comment:

  1. Try using Nutiva coconut oil Instead of butter. I use it on toast & other substitutes. Google benefits of coconut oil. It's a good fat for you with lots of other great benefits.
    Thank you for this recipe!! I use it all the time!!


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