Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Vintage Cookbooks!

During our recent trip to Washington, we happened upon an estate sale high up a muddy dirt road in the mountains just south of Mt. St. Helens. And I found a treasure trove!

A whole box of miscellaneous vintage little cookbooks, plus a couple hand-selected out-of-print cookbooks, all for $8.00!! Woohoo!

I'd been looking for the Barbara Kafka Roasting cookbook for several years, but it is out of print. I was especially excited to find an original (1977) Mollie Katzen Moosewood Cookbook! (Mine, which was the 15 year anniversary edition, had an unfortunate encounter with a particularly juicy thawing peach pie...not that that prevents me from using it!)

It will be fun perusing all these vintage volumes! (of course, there are a couple useless ones "Foods That Melt Body Fat!" like they used to sell in the grocery checkout lines, but that is to be expected.) Overall it's a score!


  1. first of all, I'm impressed that you even look through old cookbooks. I am the worst. I am sure I miss out on the most amazing recipes because I count on the internet to inform me of almost everything. you are an inspiration.

  2. Are you kidding? I LOVE cookbooks. You should see my addiction, er, I mean, COLLECTION. =) (I only look on the internet if I can't find a recipe in my books first...)


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