Friday, April 11, 2008


Okay... I really want the parrot but I'm playing with a handicap. My husband HATES coconut, therefore I haven't made anything with coconut in oh... over 7 years. I remember this recipe from an old friend who brought it to a party. He pretended that he made it from scratch, etc.... then I asked him for the recipe and he had to admit that it was a peanut sauce mix packet from A Taste of Thai and a can of coconut milk... both items easily found in the asian section of the "ethnic food aisle" of your local grocery store.

What you will need:

A Taste of Thai Peanut Sauce Mix packet
1 15oz can of coconut milk (any brand)

Warm up the milk in a small saucepan and add the sauce mix.


This sauce can be served warm or cold with pita to dip.
You can also stir fry some chicken strips, cut into bite sized pieces, skewer with toothpicks and serve as a hot appetizer with the dipping sauce... kinda like Chicken Satay.
You can also use the sauce to make a Chicken Thai pizza. Spread on a ready-made crust, top with stir fried chicken pieces, blanched bean sprouts, scallions, fresh cilantro or parsley, pepper and shredded monterey jack cheese.

There ya go! 3 recipes in one!

1 comment:

  1. Guess what I found at a grocery store in Portland? That's right, peanut sauce mix! I'll keep you posted...


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