Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cowgirl Min's Coconut Contest! Time's Up! Thanks for Your Entries!

Because it's my birthday, and I LOVE coconut!

Submit your very best Coconut recipe

*The contest has ended. Thank you for your entries! The winner will be announced soon!

Your recipe can be in any category you choose, but a prominent ingredient must be COCONUT. Coconut in any available form: fresh, raw, toasted, flaked, grated, cream, milk, you name it. Please be sure it is a recipe that you have tried, include a picture if available, and a bit about what you love about the recipe, whatever you feel like sharing. Tell all your friends!

*If you're not already a member, sign up here or just leave your recipe in a comment on this post*

Deadline for entries will be April 20, 2008 at midnight, MST. Winner will be chosen completely subjectively. (be forewarned that I might have to MAKE the recipes to choose a winner!)

In keeping with the tropical theme, the prize will be: a lovely and useful cast iron parrot bottle opener! This little guy is whimsically painted, and will serve you well. Coronas, here we come. I'll bring the limes!


    Hope you have a great day!

    I just happened to think of you a few days ago when I was in a quilt store. I decided that I wanted to make you an apron. I don't know if you are even an apron person. Sometimes I am and sometimes not. I've had this fabric awhile and I hurried home from the quilt store to pull it out and begin thinking how I would do this apron. Of course I had to go back to the store and get other stuff to finish it up. We are headed to La Sal on Thursday, looking forward to seeing you at the Bull Sale on Saturday. Becky

  2. Thank you! I can't wait to see my apron! I'm like you, sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    Can't wait for the bull sale! See you there!

  3. Hi Kris

    Found your cooking blog and think the recipes look great. Look forward to trying some. Live in the UK so may possibly need help with alternatives at some time.


  4. Welcome, Sylvia. Leave a comment if you'd like help on a specific recipe, I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I have some conversion table in one of my cookbooks. Let us know if you try any recipes, or if you'd like to join The Bad Girl's Kitchen and contribute recipes!
    Thank you,

  5. Thanks Min. Appreciate that. American recipes seem so much more interesting than UK ones but will have a think!


  6. Well, I ended up missing the contest but here's the recipe anyway.

    Italian Cream Cake

    Frosting & Filling: Combine 1c sugar & 1/4 c flour. Gradually stir in 1c milk. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly until thickened - about 10 mins. Chill

    Combine 1/2c butter - 1tsp vanilla & 2oz. unsweetened chocolate. Gradually blend in chilled mixture. Add 1c nuts & 1c coconut to mixture. Add more of each, if necessary, to thicken for filling.

    Cake Ingredients:
    1 stick butter 1c buttermilk
    1/2c Crisco 1tsp vanilla
    2c sugar 1c coconut
    5 egg yolks 2c chopped
    2c flour walnuts
    1tsp baking soda 5 beaten egg

    Cream butter, Crisco & sugar; beat well. Add egg yolks, vanilla & dry ingredients. Stir in buttermilk, coconut & nuts. Fold in egg whites. Bake in 3 9" pans @350* for 30-35 mins. Line bottom of pans w/waxed paper & butter sides & bottom. Frost & enjoy!

    Sorry I don't have a picture but it has been quite some time since I made this cake. It was a big hit when I did.


  7. I think I can make an allowance in your case, Mom! And I'm going to have to make a few of the coconut recipes when we get back from Portland before I can decide on a winner...

    Did you ever make this cake when I was around? I don't remember it.

  8. Yes, I made the cake & we had it w/Sandy & family when she made it as well. Thanks for making allowances. Dad's doing fine.

  9. Hey! I was just about to put my favourite coconut recipe on my blog whe I found this page!
    Anyway, if you want to check it out: it's today's post.

    Thanks for your blog.
    I'll be around quite often, I guess.


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