Saturday, March 1, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted and I really need to add a few recipes!  This one is actually more of a tip or "secret ingredient" than a recipe.  

Broccoli... you either love it or you hate it.  Me?  Well my mom was notorious for destroying vegetables by boiling them to a pulp so I never really liked the pale green mush placed before me as a child.  When I got older I discovered that broccoli can be good!  I eat it raw all the time in veggie sandwiches or with dip.  I also like it steamed.  And that's where the "secret ingredient" comes in...

After you steam your broccoli to a point where they are tender (but still firm and GREEN, mom!) add some salt and pepper to taste AND....  squeeze half a lemon over the broccoli.  Delicious!!!!   My son kept asking for more "trees"!  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good, I'll have to try it. And lemon will go very nicely with our customary dab o' butter! =)


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