Friday, February 1, 2008

Butternut Squash Soup

Winter is here to stay so time to make soup. This soup is easy and good and one you should try . It may not make winter go away but it will make it much more bearable. As I look out my window the snow is coming down and it is truly beautiful. I am nice and warm inside; with bread raising on the counter and a quilt to work on, indeed I am very happy. However come March I will be very ready for Spring. Make some soup and enjoy this beautiful time of year.

Butternut Squash Soup
Pre heat oven to 400
Take a cookie sheet and line with foil ( just makes clean-up easier)
Place the following on the cookie sheet:
About 3 pounds butternut squash, peeled . seeded and cut up into cubes.
1 large onion, large chunks
2 tart apples, peeled, cut in pieces.
l pear, peeled , cut in pieces.
Toss with about 2-4 TBL olive oil
Sprinkle with the following spices: thyme, sage, salt and pepper, and a dash of nutmeg.
Roast in 400 oven , stirring after about 15 minutes, continue roasting about 30-45 minutes, until tender.
In blender or food processor take some of the roasted veggies etc. and some chicken broth (a total of 3 1/2 cups) process until smooth as desired. You will probably have to do this in a couple of batches depending how large your blender/processor is. Place in large saucepan and warm to simmer, then adjust seasonings adding more as needed, then add 1/2 to 1 cup half and half. Don't let it boil after adding cream. You might do as I do and add the half and half (after warming separately) to each serving bowl, instead of to the saucepan.

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