Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Best Buttercream Frosting

As Sawed Off's birthday party approaches, I thought I would share with you the frosting recipe I will be making on Thursday. It's a basic buttercream recipe, quick, easy, and delicious, and it is perfect for cake decorating. I use it whenever I make a decorated cake. It is from the cookbook, Colette's Birthday Cakes, by Colette Peters. Honestly this book is so intricate and ambitious that the frosting is absolutely the only thing I have tried out of it. Just check out the link, you'll immediately understand what I mean.

Also, I may not have said this before, but whenever a recipe has "butter or margarine" in it, I only use butter. I do not ever use margarine. I don't know why I am so opposed to it, but I am. So, you will never in these pages see the word margarine again. I promise. Unless of course it's in someone else's recipe on the blog...

Basic Buttercream

1 cup butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup milk, at room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla extract or other desired flavoring (my absolute favorite and until now secret flavoring? Organic Coconut Extract. NOT imitation. The real deal. Try it and you will fall in love)
2 pounds confectioner's sugar

Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix at slow speed until smooth. If stiffer icing is needed, or if the weather is very warm, add a little more confectioner's sugar.

Chocolate Buttercream: Add 1/2 cup of unsweetened cocoa and 2 tablespoons of cold, strong coffee. (I have yet to try this, but doesn't it sound delicious?)

Yields 5 cups, enough to fill and cover 2 9-inch cake layers. (Or to elaborately frost an entire He-Man birthday cake, with enough leftover to eat on graham crackers. Lots of graham crackers. Ahem.)


  1. Hey, Min did you read my mind? My daughter-in-law, Holly asked to me to make desserts for her daughter Aspen's party. I asked Aspen what she would like, without any hesitation she shouted out "Lemon Triangles". We talked and also decided to make a variety of cupcakes. Since I don't make many cakes anymore, I was looking for frosting recipes.
    So this recipe for the "Best Buttercream Frosting" is just what I needed! Also, just wanted to let you know that BUTTER is the only way to go, I never us the "M" word, can't hardly even say it let alone use it.
    Thanks for the recipe! Becky

  2. Anamika, thanks for stopping by!

    Becky, you will love the frosting! (Thanks for not using the "M" word) And tell Aspen Happy Birthday!

  3. The "M" word is not allowed in this house! Butter rocks! The real deal! AMEN! This icing sounds divine and using coconut-will have to try it! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey Min, You have been busy! I promise to get my stuff out there slowly, but surely.

    FYI regarding this buttercream - it is traditionally named American Buttercream. And if you need a stiffer product add Cream of Tartar (or another acid) this will dry out the frosting, without compromising the ratio of ingredients.


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